One-to-one Mentoring
for men
Relating as a man in today’s world is not easy.
How do you find balance between being masculine but not macho?
In touch with your feelings, without being soppy or needy?
Assertive without being unsafe?
…And what do women want anyway?!
In an often tense and confusing climate of post-Feminism and me-too, where mixed messages about men and masculinity abound, it can be hard to know where to turn for inspiration or support.
That’s where I come in.
You can think of me as your teammate and trusted ally,
the woman you can literally ask anything and not faze.
Your secret weapon.
My passion is supporting you in bringing in more awareness, more joy and more fulfillment in the way you relate with women, so that you can have the connection you long for.
And I can assure you, this is possible without needing to learn questionable manipulation strategies.
Using a potent formula of deep listening, razor sharp perception, playfulness, intuition and two decades of experience studying relating dynamics (including ten years professionally) I can support you to:
- Become more comfortable in your own skin so you can engage with women from this place, without needing to compensate
- Get radically honest about your deepest needs and desires and explore pathways to getting them met
- Meet your blindspots and identify past patterns in your relating that keep you from fulfillment. Explore & take concrete steps towards alternatives
- Learn how to listen to women and understand in more depth how we function and what we desire
- Be able to stand your ground and assert boundaries when needed
- Learn how to meet a woman in the fullness of her emotions without freaking out
- Explore how your cultural conditioning around gender and relationships might be keeping you from experiencing true freedom and authenticity in your relating
- Find your sweet spot between being sensitive and assertive, that allows her to feel safe enough to open to you
- Become an extraordinary lover
Although this isn’t therapy, prepare to go deep and meet your edge.
I’m here to offer you a safe and compassionate container, in which to practice being open and transparent. A space to be lovingly challenged, to be understood and to understand. And an invitation to rise to the challenge of being the best man you can possibly be.
Ready to book a discovery call with me to see if we are suited to working together?
I have had one-to-one sessions with Ruby working on difficult and shameful areas of my sexuality. Meeting Ruby has profoundly changed the way I live with my sexuality – making me more wholesome, open and connected to who I really am and the man I want to be. She is gentle and honest and very precise in her observations, helping me to gain the courage to grow in and in between our meetings. I am deeply grateful.
Taster session: 60 EUR
Series of 6 sessions: 720 EUR

Images by Iris Hollow
A little bit more about me:
I’m often described as powerful yet very gentle. Part queen and part sensual nature nymph. I exude competence, can sometimes be earnest, but always dashed with an air of mischief.
A self-employed creative my whole working life, often drawn to the unusual and taboo, I have a degree in Psychology, have worked in the burlesque industry in London as a designer, trained as a sexological bodyworker and worked as a dominatrix, a sex-worker and an intimacy coach in Berlin, and in the last ten years roamed the world facilitating workshops within the field of human connection.
As well as having a deep love and appreciation for men, I am a devotee to the Feminine spirit, and my life is a journey in anchoring the marriage between the two.