Calling all the bitchy-witches, the holy-home-girls, crones, sisters, mothers, soul-rebels and all beings that identify with the feminine fountain life-force called Womenhood*. Ruby May & Maegan Melissa (DJ Alma ∞ Omega) warmly welcome your fierceness, fire, your softness & surrender—as we embark on a deep dive into embodied womb-wisdom with a circle of sisters this Autumn!
Can you feel it?
The gentle beckoning or unavoidable call of life that demands we stop playing small and start showing up as our most luscious and loving, authentic and daring selves?
The messages and mirrors that invite us to stretch ourselves into new depths of strength, integrity and devotion to Truth?
It’s time to rise up and claim our birthright as conscious creators of life, to connect to and draw from the depths of our soul-essence, so that we can be in service to life’s unique, creative expression through us…
How can we stay juicy and inspired and how do we create balance for ourselves in a world which seems so disconnected from pleasure and the natural rhythms of life?
How do we move beyond the layers of trauma and conditioning that have imprisoned us in disempowerment and victimhood?
What is a new definition of ‘power’ that the world so desperately yearns for?
Beyond our conditioning around gender and what society has taught us about being a woman, how can we receive a tangible, embodied sense of what that means to us, and what we as women have to contribute to life?
The womb is humbly calling us home to our source. Encoded in our bodies, patiently waiting for our gentle curiosity and loving attention, lies a vast reservoir of power, creativity and wisdom. Our wombs, with their inherently cyclical nature offer us a map of how to be deeply attuned to ourselves and to the rhythms of life.
Through this teaching and understanding of wholeness – the cycle of life and death – we are given a whole new perspective on embracing ourselves and life in its totality. Embodying this wisdom, we are offered the possibility to ride the very crest of life’s creative expression, creating from a place that is deeply connected to and in service to what is.
Harnessing the power of menstruation, we can begin to use our internal death and rebirth cycles for our own transformation, using the power of ritual and intention to let go of what no longer serves us, and rebirth ourselves. Through honouring the womb’s connection with the heart, we honour our powerful capacity for relating: for sensing and feeling deeply.
“The willingness to be receptive and to ‘feel what is’ weaves us into interconnectivity with all things. This connection to Life awakens our care for Life – inspiring a river of love that can fuel our sacred activism in the world.”
Our journey will include:
- Guided dance and movement meditations to befriend and tap into the wisdom of the soul-vessel that is our body: freeing up energy and anchoring transformation & celebration in our cells and deepest being.
- Gentle womb yoga practises and somatic meditations to connect with our pelvis, with our right to be here, our connection with the earth and with the cosmic portal that is our womb, activating our creative power and expression.
- Working with the menstruation medicine wheel: how do we we use our cycle for radical self-care, for managing our energy levels and our creative projects?
- Exploring our relationship to pleasure, developing whole-bodied sensuousness, cultivating our ability to create pleasure within ourselves, to activate ourselves and turn ourselves on, independent of others.
- Finding nourishment and delight in our unique frequency of Eros as life-source. Becoming aware of our power as women who embody their sexuality. Becoming aware of how to use that power wisely.
- Enquiries into new definitions of power. How we connect to our power and how we might give it away?
- Developing our emotional literacy. Making friends with all our emotions, particularly connecting with the power in owning our grief and our rage. How can empathy be a super-power and a tool for constructive, direct political and social action?
- Utilising the circle and harvesting the unique medicine we each have for each other.
“And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.”
This portal will be lovingly held by Ruby May and Maegan Gorbett, 2 holy-homegirls who share over 5 years of sisterhood and friendship, and have both been on their own vision-quest for truth, juiciness & (self) love. In service to the rise of the feminine—in ourselves and in the collective—we open this portal to YOU…And we can already FEEL the powerful joy that awaits this field we shall co-create <3
“If you want to give birth to your true self, you are going to have to dig deep down into that body of yours and let your soul howl. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and trust that if you turn off your head, your feet will take you where you need to go.”
9-10 December, 2017
Saturday: 11:00-19:00 each day, Sunday: 11:00 – 18:00 (with a break for lunch)
Dock 11, Kastanienallee 79,10435 Berlin.
150 euros (early bird, if paid by October 8th)
170/ 190/ 210 euros (depending on your level of abundance. Please pay what you can!)
To apply, please click here.
Payment to:
Maegan Gorbett // IBAN: DE09 1005 0000 1061 1644 69
Maegan (DJ Alma ∞ Omega) is a devout lover of music, dance, nature, community, mystical-mayhem, shamanic-shenanigans, and sacred-sisterhood…Through the deaths and rebirths of life she has discovered the aspects of herself that are anchored in Truth, Authenticity, Softness and Humor: this self-compassion is her gift to share with the world…Her love of the feminine is a well that goes deep with it’s waters, and considers the devotion and celebration of the feminine in all beings to be one of the mightiest kosmic-keys out there for creating more balance and beauty in this world…
Music, ritual, movement & dance have been the most influential passions of her life, and this is a well of inspiration that continues to deepen and fertilize her service to Life. Maegan has been working with embodied-dance techniques the past 13 years, developing Ritualistic gatherings such as Cacaophany and Lucid, and is deepening her commitment to dance and movement through her teacher’s training with Open Floor International: an embodied-dance-meditation training, using the dance-floor of life to awaken, heal and enliven us. The power of movement, the truth of our body’s wisdom, and the beauty of authenticity are the pillars of her joy and work.
Ruby May is a truth-seeking, earth-loving, edge-dwelling creative visionary and facilitator. Her passion lies in a new vision of power for a new world, in which a deeper compassion and intimacy with ourselves and life is honoured and celebrated. This is the power of owning ourselves in our entirety and in paradox: that in the profane lies the sacred, soft can be strong, and that through our shadows we become light. In this vision of power being connected to exposing our humanness and our deepest vulnerability, we see it as a force that unites, rather than separates, enabling us to collaborate in harmony towards the creation of beauty in life.
Her gateway on her quest for truth has been the field of sexuality, and she brings over a decade of personal self-enquiry, research and experience working internationally in the field of Conscious Sexuality as a sacred intimate, sexological bodyworker, Tantric domina and workshop facilitator. She is currently doing an apprenticeship on the spiritual and personal development potential of the menstrual cycle and has dedicated this past year to the study of embodied womb wisdom.
*We welcome all beings who identify as ‘female’, trans-women are very welcome to join us too!
“The fastest, cleanest, most joyful way to break out of your own box is by dancing. I’m not talking about doing the stand-and-sway. I’m talking about dancing so deep, so hard, so full of the beat that you are nothing but the dance and the beat and the sweat and the heat.” -Gabriela Roth