On slut-shaming men

On slut-shaming men

I know that sexual shaming is rampant universally, but through my work I often come into contact with how women – feeling threatened by male desire – so often shame men, sometimes overtly, but often unconsciously. I know many of us have been victims to...
The Dark Feminine

The Dark Feminine

The European fairytale hag, Medusa from ancient Greece, Hel, the Germanic Goddess, the snapping vagina in Navajo culture, Ereshkigal of the Summerian Inanna myth, Kali, Lillith… Throughout our human history, we have collected myths and tales of the Dark Feminine. We...
Splish Splash

Splish Splash

“All of the fluids in our body become moist when we are moved – we cry, we lubricate, we bleed, all of the numinous experiences of our bodies have to do with moisture. And it’s moisture that brings life to this planet.”- Jean Shinoda Bolen Recently hundreds of...
What is Wild knows how to Thrive

What is Wild knows how to Thrive

What a simple action, yet we seem to have forgotten it: the art of listening. Through listening, our senses can start to open to all the subtle yet powerful guidance that our earth – and what is wild – offers. We can begin to see the simple abundance that...
I only had sex for money once

I only had sex for money once

I only had sex for money once. It had been a fantasy for a long time and although I skirted around the edge of the sex industry for years and have also been an outspoken advocate for sex worker rights, it only happened once. I was so curious. Would it be pleasurable?...
Don’t call me ecosexual

Don’t call me ecosexual

First published by Ecohustler It’s true – I love nothing more than to lie cradled and suspended above the ground, thighs wrapped around the gnarled old trunk of a tree. I relish the sensation of this powerful, phallic force emerging from the ground, pressed against my...