Mentoring Sessions
with Ruby May
Hi, my name is Ruby.
I believe that at times we can all benefit from someone accompanying us on our journey for a while: supporting us to connect to our inner truth and guidance system, especially when we sense that old evolutions of ourselves are wearing thin, and something new is wanting to emerge.
In times of transition and untrodden paths, there are no manuals or easy maps – but a compassionate witness, listening ear and mirror can support you in navigating them.
Again and again I am awed and humbled by my clients, the journeys I am able to witness, through the intelligence inherent in our bodies if we are receptive, pause and listen.
Encoded into our bodies lies a remarkable template of wholeness and balance: our wombs in their cyclical rhythms hold a powerful key towards reclaiming our sense of connection, well-being, fuelling our creativity and alignment with our sacred purpose in life.
My Mentoring Sessions are for women who:
○ would like to explore life beyond being a ‘human-doing’, and cultivate a more balanced and integrated approach to living
○ are curious to get to know their own bodies more, learn to read their language, follow their guidance and feel a sense of belonging and home within
○ would like to learn how to use their menstrual cycle to tap more into their creativity and how life wishes to express itself through them
○ would like to learn how to reframe and proudly embody the qualities we have been taught by society to think of as weak; such as receptivity, softness, surrender, and how to develop emotional literacy and maturity
○ are wanting to explore their creative potential, learning how to move beyond self-doubt, into shameless expression and manifesting their gifts into the world
○ would like support in the journey of shedding and walking the path of the unknown
○ are seeking to cultivate the capacity to live with an open heart, honouring who you are as sovereign yet interdependent being.
“Working with Ruby for 3 months, has seen me transition in a way I was not expecting. It brought to light to a lot of what was happening already but in a safe, curious, loving way that allows for change to just appear. The cycle awareness has helped me transition and blossom, it feels, into womanhood!
Ruby is like a gentle sister, helping me witness and celebrate my achievements, giving voice to my inner critic and space for my inner child. Our weekly calls helped me keep my inner dialogue and reflection process alive and offered a lot of acceptance into what is.
This is an invitation for a personal journey but also a collective one. Ruby is a wonderful teacher, very true, passionate and wise. Her offering is extremely generous and life honouring.”
– Inbar
You can read a little bit more about me here.
And about my professional qualifications: I have a degree in Psychology, am a certified sexological bodyworker, have trained with the Red School, studied Collective Trauma with Thomas Hübl, and have received wonderful mentoring over the years by Maryann McCabe and Susanne Brian, although I feel that what I have to offer is mainly thanks to four decades of the life experience and enquiry.
Some of the themes that I feel I have been initiated into through my life experiences:
Burn out and addiction to ‘doing’, navigating different relationship forms, menstrual cycle awareness and living cyclically, living in community, being a hyper-sensitive, dealing with complex PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), working with the inner child and the inner tyrant and developing self-compassion and kindness, being a self-employed entrepreneur and ‘living the dream’, working with plant spirits, shadow integration, authentic sexual expression, moving beyond co-dependent relating, boundaries, needs, emotional literacy & body literacy.
Session Series:
1 hour = 75 euros
Or a package of 6 x 1 hour (1 per week or every other week) = 390 euros // also payable in instalments //
Ruby’s coaching gives me a space to talk to the deepest parts of me that I sometimes do not always give space for, helping me to listen to my inner voice. I am grateful for the way she would never let me get away with fooling myself but really going beyond all my layers until I got to what felt like the truth of the matter. There were many, many moments of ‘aha’, and they continue to ripple out months and months later….
A seriously sumptuous, sometimes subtle and other times dramatic, time of transformation. I feel like I’ve come home.