On shaming men’s desire

On shaming men’s desire

I know that sexual shaming is rampant universally, but through my work I often come into contact with how women – feeling threatened by male desire – so often shame men, sometimes overtly, but often unconsciously. I know many of us have been victims to...
On suffering

On suffering

There is nothing quite like suffering as a catalyst for climbing the ladder of perspective. Up and up, each rung a slightly more whole picture, a little more Truth. Each step, you realise you feel a little freer. Every time you pause and take a breath and realise you...
Cyclical Living (from a recovering intensity junky)

Cyclical Living (from a recovering intensity junky)

In this era of abundance of and easy access to intense experiences, there seems to be the tendency to try and cram in as much as possible. Entertainment, festivals, self-development workshops, plant medicine rituals, erotic encounters…we are intensity junkies, our...
On feeling small…

On feeling small…

If women are to be regarded equal in value in the world and our power and the medicine we bring, honoured, then I believe that part of what we must move towards is men learning to meet their feelings of inferiority and smallness, if or when they arise. Of course we...
Giving & Receiving

Giving & Receiving

To give and receive is one the most fundamental energetic movements of life. Every breath we take contains this wisdom. And like all the most profound things in life, there lies a paradox – that in its full beauty and potential, by deeply giving we can receive,...
What is Strength?

What is Strength?

What is strength? I am being spanked so hard by life right now, so magnificently confronted with what feels like every single limiting belief I have around what it is to be strong. Lovingly yet firmly guided, to see that anything other than truly walking my talk is no...