Today I feel the surge of my internal summer ride me, like the swell of the tide…
Around this time it feels like I am riding the last wave of creative energy before slowing down and heading into Autumn.
One way of looking at our menstrual cycle is that it contains seasons. Menstruation is our internal Winter, a time for introspection, dreaming and rest, Spring is when our creative energy begins to emerge, which peaks in Summer and then slows down again in Autumn. The most important thing about Cycle Awareness though is only to use anything you hear or read about as a kind of archetypal guideline, and what really matters is listening to your own body and being.
This is my time for pushing myself and harnessing this wave to get things done, and physically, I notice it is my time for exerting myself, going for a longer run or doing manual labour. My body wants to feel a little bit pushed – this also creates the right conditions for coming into resting during my bleed, when I feel content with everything I have achieved. It’s easier to really enjoy this time of doing and not feel overwhelmed or burned out, knowing that it is temporary and I will soon be heading into more mellow waters…