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Splish Splash

Splish Splash

“All of the fluids in our body become moist when we are moved – we cry, we lubricate, we bleed, all of the numinous experiences of our bodies have to do with moisture. And it’s moisture that brings life to this planet.”- Jean Shinoda Bolen Recently hundreds of...
Reflecting and Visioning for the new year

Reflecting and Visioning for the new year

  Time to light some candles and take the time to reflect on the past year and visioning for this coming year! Here are some questions I’ll be using that my dear friend Tiu De Haan suggested, maybe you want to use them too?         2015...
Taboo: the hidden agenda

Taboo: the hidden agenda

Recently I’ve been musing over the complexity of our relationship with the taboo and what lies beyond the surface. Society’s relationship with sexuality is quite obviously permeated with taboo, more so anything that goes beyond a very narrow window of what is...
Sexual Shadow Healing

Sexual Shadow Healing

What are sexual shadows? Our sexuality comes in so many colours, shapes and forms. Many of us are turned on by things that go beyond the narrow bandwidth of what society deems as ‘normal’. Some of us are turned on by specific feelings: such as the feeling of...
Fucking trees

Fucking trees

An erotic encounter was not something I expected as I climbed into the beckoning branches of an old avocado tree, 5 years or so ago, whilst woofing in New Zealand. I had been working in various organic farms, my delicate city princess feet toughened by weeks of...
Conscious Kink

Conscious Kink

Rather than suppressing or acting out in unconscious and self-destructive ways, Conscious or Sacred Kink is the embodied exploration of the full spectrum of our sexual expression in a consensual, risk-aware and conscious way. It is a source of great personal and...