Our Ideas about Activism are Outdated

Our Ideas about Activism are Outdated

First published by Ecohustler I used to think of ‘activists’ as being people ‘over there’, campaigning and fighting and….well, doing their activist thing, while I could gratefully admire them from the distance. I imagine many of us have felt this way. “At least...
On the shame of having needs…

On the shame of having needs…

Living in a world that idolises independence and not needing anything from anyone as ‘strong’, I think so many of us have grown up with a warped picture of having needs and we are stumbling around in the dark without realising it. I see from myself how a...
On ‘neediness’

On ‘neediness’

It’s so revealing about us collectively, that we have created this word in the English language: “needy”. The word is so charged, so loaded with judgement. It’s often used an as an insult: being ‘needy’ is the least cool, least...
On love without attachment…

On love without attachment…

I’ve witnessed a lot of people talking about the importance of love without attachment – especially in neo tantra and polyamory scenes – and this is creating what I believe is a lot of spiritual bypassing, shame and misunderstanding. Let’s get...
Everything begins with me

Everything begins with me

Everything begins in my body… What would intimately connecting with others be like if we came from a place of being saturated with the simple yet profound pleasure of feeling at home in our body? What if through our own presence penetrating our cells, turning...