On Sexual Liberation

On Sexual Liberation

When I was younger, I used to think that the way we free ourselves from the repression of our sexuality was to reduce sex until it became meaningless, to have no boundaries, because boundaries meant shame and shame was bad. It took me hanging out at a porn shoot in...
On Penetration

On Penetration

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I’d never have anal sex with a man who hasn’t been penetrated himself… I’m not really one for principles… and besides, who hasn’t done slightly questionable things in the name of being...
On Prayer

On Prayer

Living in a culture that values the head over everything else, as I enter events and rituals that are heart-spaces, I always meet a wave of sadness in me as I acknowledge what a process it is, to transition… to move from a cerebral gadget-riddled ADD culture of...
Feeling pain as creative activism

Feeling pain as creative activism

On feeling helpless in a world that seems to be crumbling before our eyes… Each moment brings possibilities for creative activism. In a world that teaches you to be an obedient and numbed little consumer, to listen to authority rather than yourself and to...
Vagina Dentata

Vagina Dentata

A curious thing it is, that the default world feels ok with the yin qualities of the vagina – their capacity to receive a penis – and rather less ok with their yang qualities, like their capacity to ejaculate, menstruate and give birth.. Except of course...